Fantastic News!

This isn’t technology related but since I have this blog how can I not post about it?

Two days ago my second daughter Alva was born. She’s a beautiful baby girl! On the photo she’s 10 hours old and “sitting” together with my other daughter Ebba who is 2+ years old. Some facts: Born Sunday 11 June, 5:19 AM CET, a beautiful sunny summer day. Weight 4120 grams, height 51 cm.

I think Sweden has one of the world’s most generous systems when it comes to letting the parents take time off work to care for their newborns. (I may be wrong because I admit I’m actually not familiar with how it works in that many other countries…)

Anyway, for starters the father gets two weeks paid leave from work, which is why my Out of Office message currently reads “I’m on paternity leave, will be back June 26” 🙂
Parents also get 18 months of paid leave to divide between them. This means I’m going to have a loooong summer holiday. My wife will probably be home from work for a year and after that I plan on taking 6 months off. We did the same thing when we had Ebba and it was great spending that long time with your child!

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