Loan a stranger your hard earned money without interest or payback guarantee (no kidding!)

This is great – keep reading! As you may or may not know Muhammad Yunus and his Grameen Bank was awarded the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts with micro credits (or microloans or microfinance) in Bangladesh. Now you too can support a small business in the developing world! Just go to and… Continue reading Loan a stranger your hard earned money without interest or payback guarantee (no kidding!)

Categorized as Good stuff

Things I can and cannot get to work in Vista and Office 2007

I just upgraded my laptop running XP to Office 2007 and I’ve also started using my new desktop computer running Vista and Office 2007. These are a few things that have bugged me and how I made them work (or not): 1) I could no longer run my macros in Outlook 2007. Whenever I went… Continue reading Things I can and cannot get to work in Vista and Office 2007